I was reading back on one of my first posts about how I intened to meet my weight-loss goals, and since I am in a new weight-loss phase, I decided it would be a good time to evaluate my goals and make sure I'm doing what I should to get results. Click here to see my original goals. Here are my updated goals:
Exercise: I need to exercise at least 3 times per week for at least 30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical. On the other days (other than Sunday), I need to do something active or use the Wii Fit Plus.
Improved Eating Habits: I need to control my portion sizes, avoid snacking all day (three meals with a snack between breakfast & lunch and lunch & dinner), make good choices for snacks, avoid desserts except for very special occasions. Sundays are more "relaxed" days, but I still need to control my portions.
Water Intake: Drink at least 96 ounces of water every day. Ideally, drink 128 ounces each day.
Now that I am well into this whole weight-loss things, I have a confession to make. I think I have had an eating disorder since I graduated from high school and moved out of my parents' house. Now, before anyone gets alarmed and concerned, it wasn't a major disorder. In my opinion, everyone, at some point in their lives has some sort of eating disorder, be it big or small. Mine is that I let myself believe that I could eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted it. Growing up, my parents were always good about not having a whole lot of junk food or sugar cereals around. My mom was good about feeding us good meals every day, and we didn't do a lot of snacking. And, I'll admit, it drove me crazy! So, when I left home, and became and "adult," I figured that I should be able to do whatever I wanted (within reason, I was raised with good morals), and eat whatever I wanted. Thirteen years and probably 70 pounds later, I figured out that my mom wasn't restricting my food intake; instead, she was trying to teach me that I needed to have self-discipline over my eating habits. I see the error of my ways now, and I am paying for it. I think I have made good progress about what food choices I am making; and honestly, I haven't had a whole lot of cravings for junk food, or other unhealthy things.
Now, I have a lot of friends who tell me that I should "live a little" and enjoy the sweeter things in life, and they are right to some extent. My problem is that I have been enjoying them too much and not using self-control. I know that once I have lost the weight I want to lose, that I will be able to enjoy Oreo's and cake and ice cream again. But when that time comes, I will be smarter about how much I let into my mouth and how often I choose to eat it.