Weight Loss Tracker - Phase 3

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hmm . . .

Well, I think my body is on about a week delay. Last week was a good week, yet I had a pretty significant gain. This week was a not-so-good, very busy week, and I lost 2 pounds. So, next week, I had better be extra good or things could get really bad. I am excited to get my Bountiful Basket tomorrow. I think that will help me make better food choices. We've actually taken 2 weeks off from it (one by choice and the other because the co-op took a weekend off), so I am looking forward to planning my menu for the week around the goodies we'll get in our basket.

1 comment:

  1. woohoo! Horray for success either way! Hope your bountiful basket was better than ours (at home with my family)--we had 14 heads of bokchoy--I draw the line at something tasting THAT healthy!! Jimmy was a sport and tried it a second time even after he gagged on a whole piece the first time--my brother served in Hong Kong and was excited to cook some up!
