Well, at least I'm maintaining! Too bad I'm maintaining about 30 pounds above where I would like to be. Oh, well! I'll try to look on the bright side of things. I weighed in .5 pounds above last weeks weigh-in. It's not too bad. I just find it strange that I haven't lost anything in over a month.
So, I've decided to make a few changes. The first change is actually not a change at all, and I can't even start it yet because it hasn't arrived. My husband ordered me a
fitbit for Mother's Day and it has been on back order for a while and likely won't even arrive until long after Mother's Day is over.

This little device is to be worn throughout my day to track my active vs. inactivce periods to help me know when I need to make changes so I can be more active. It will also tell me how restful my sleep is at night--or, more appropriate, how unrestful it is! It will be interesting.
Next change, my SIL started a 1000 minute club with our family (although, I think it might be just her and I that are going to do it). The idea of this is that over the next 10 weeks we will walk 1000 minutes in addition to our regular exercise. I think this will help me break through those moments of inactivity that I'm experiencing throughout my day. Also, it will be nice to get my kids out on their bikes to get them moving as well.
Last, I think I need to be eating more. Sounds funny to say, but I think it's true. Now, I've never been a doctor or even enjoyed or even taken the classes they have taken to become one. But it seems to me that losing weight is hard work for a body. And, if it doesn't have enough fuel to help burn that fat away, then it won't be able to do it; and it will just hold onto that extra fluff that I'm trying to get rid of. (Correct me if I'm wrong Josie!) So, I need to start eating more fruits and vegetables. To help in this endeavor, I'm doing two things. The first is that I am planting a garden. In fact, I planted my peas, broccoli, and cauliflower just last week. This will be a good way for me to be active as well as get some great veges into our house. Also, I have joined a co-op called
"Bountiful Baskets" where I go on Saturdays and pick up a big basket of fruits and vegetables for a fraction of the cost of getting it at the grocery store. I am looking forward to googling different recipes so I can cook up my new veges and get them in my body and my families' bodies so that we can be more healthy. I am really excited about it!
Okay, that's it for now. Thanks for letting me get all of this out so that I can be accountable for these changes. One day at a time!